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Remove CSS from a Div using JQuery




People also ask

How we can remove CSS in jQuery?

removeClass(). removeAttr('style');

How to remove html element by id in jQuery?

For removing the element using jQuery, we can use element name, element id, element class etc. We can remove a single or multiple elements using jQuery remove() function.

How to remove append html in jQuery?

jQuery uses: . append(); and . remove(); functions to accomplish this task. We could use these methods to append string or any other html or XML element and also remove string and other html or XML elements from the document.

You can remove specific css that is on the element like this:

$(this).css({'background-color' : '', 'font-weight' : ''});

Although I agree with karim that you should probably be using CSS classes.

You could use the removeAttr method, if you want to delete all the inline style you added manually with javascript. It's better to use CSS classes but you never know.

$("#displayPanel div").removeAttr("style")

Put your CSS properties into a class, then do something like this:

$("#displayPanel div").live("click", function(){

Then where your 'other functionalities' are do something like:

   $("#displayPanel div").removeClass('someClass');

You can remove inline properties this way:

$(selector).css({'property':'', 'property':''});

For example:

$(actpar).css({'top':'', 'opacity':''});

This is essentially mentioned above, and it definitely does the trick.

BTW, this is useful in instances such as when you need to clear a state after animation. Sure I could write a half dozen classes to deal with this, or I could use my base class and #id do some math, and clear the inline style that the animation applies.

$(actpar).animate({top:0, opacity:1, duration:500}, function() {
   $(this).css({'top':'', 'opacity':''});