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Remove caret from semantic-ui react dropdown menu

Does anyone know how to remove the caret on the <Menu><Dropdown>... component?

The prop list for that component does not have a flag as far as i can tell. Does anyone have experience with this?

import React from 'react'
import { Dropdown, Menu } from 'semantic-ui-react'
import { Menu as MenuIcon } from 'react-feather'

// this automatically renders a right-hand caret on the menu
// I added my own icon 'MenuIcon' from the feather icon set 
// and i want to get rid of the caret
const Header = () => (
  <Menu vertical compact>
    <Dropdown item text={<MenuIcon/>}>

export default Header
like image 907
archae0pteryx Avatar asked Aug 26 '17 03:08


1 Answers

Dropdown component implements an icon shorthand, so you can use following:

 <Dropdown icon={null} /> // will render nothing
 <Dropdown icon='remove' /> // will render 'remove' icon
 <Dropdown icon={{ name: 'remove', onClick: () => console.log('iconClick') /> // will render 'remove' icon and add event hanlder
 <Dropdown icon={<Icon name='remove' />} /> // will render 'Icon' component
like image 141
Oleksandr Fediashov Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 05:09

Oleksandr Fediashov