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Remove all spaces from a string in SQL Server

People also ask

How do I remove all spaces between strings?

Python String strip() function will remove leading and trailing whitespaces. If you want to remove only leading or trailing spaces, use lstrip() or rstrip() function instead.

How do you handle whitespace in SQL?

Use a combination of UPPER and REPLACE . White space is replaced using the REPLACE function so no, it wouldn't.

Does SQL ignore trailing spaces?

Takeaway: According to SQL Server, an identifier with trailing spaces is considered equivalent to the same identifier with those spaces removed.

Simply replace it;

SELECT REPLACE(fld_or_variable, ' ', '')

Edit: Just to clarify; its a global replace, there is no need to trim() or worry about multiple spaces for either char or varchar:

create table #t (
    c char(8),
    v varchar(8))

insert #t (c, v) values 
    ('a a'    , 'a a'    ),
    ('a a  '  , 'a a  '  ),
    ('  a a'  , '  a a'  ),
    ('  a a  ', '  a a  ')

    '"' + c + '"' [IN], '"' + replace(c, ' ', '') + '"' [OUT]
from #t  
union all select
    '"' + v + '"', '"' + replace(v, ' ', '') + '"'
from #t 


IN             OUT
"a a     "     "aa"
"a a     "     "aa"
"  a a   "     "aa"
"  a a   "     "aa"
"a a"          "aa"
"a a  "        "aa"
"  a a"        "aa"
"  a a  "      "aa"

I would use a REPLACE

select REPLACE (' Hello , How Are You ?', ' ', '' )


If it is an update on a table all you have to do is run this update multiple times until it is affecting 0 rows.

update tableName
set colName = REPLACE(LTRIM(RTRIM(colName)), '  ', ' ')
where colName like '%  %'

100% working

UPDATE table_name SET  "column_name"=replace("column_name", ' ', ''); //Remove white space

UPDATE table_name SET  "column_name"=replace("column_name", '\n', ''); //Remove newline

UPDATE table_name SET  "column_name"=replace("column_name", '\t', ''); //Remove all tab

You can use "column_name" or column_name



REPLACE() function:

REPLACE(field, ' ', '')

Reference taken from this blog:

First, Create sample table and data:

CREATE TABLE tbl_RemoveExtraSpaces
     Rno INT
     ,Name VARCHAR(100)

INSERT INTO tbl_RemoveExtraSpaces VALUES (1,'I    am     Anvesh   Patel')
INSERT INTO tbl_RemoveExtraSpaces VALUES (2,'Database   Research and     Development  ')
INSERT INTO tbl_RemoveExtraSpaces VALUES (3,'Database    Administrator     ')
INSERT INTO tbl_RemoveExtraSpaces VALUES (4,'Learning    BIGDATA    and       NOSQL ')

Script to SELECT string without Extra Spaces:

    ,[Name] AS StringWithSpace
    ,LTRIM(RTRIM(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE([Name],CHAR(32),'()'),')(',''),'()',CHAR(32)))) AS StringWithoutSpace
FROM tbl_RemoveExtraSpaces


Rno         StringWithSpace                                 StringWithoutSpace
----------- -----------------------------------------  ---------------------------------------------
1           I    am     Anvesh   Patel                      I am Anvesh Patel
2           Database   Research and     Development         Database Research and Development
3           Database    Administrator                       Database Administrator
4           Learning    BIGDATA    and       NOSQL          Learning BIGDATA and NOSQL