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Remove ActiveRecord in Rails 3

Now that Rails 3 beta is out, I thought I'd have a look at rewriting an app I have just started work on in Rails 3 beta, both to get a feel for it and get a bit of a head-start. The app uses MongoDB and MongoMapper for all of its models and therefore has no need for ActiveRecord. In the previous version, I am unloading activerecord in the following way:

config.frameworks -= [ :active_record ]    # inside environment.rb 

In the latest version this does not work - it just throws an error:

/Library/Ruby/Gems/1.8/gems/railties-3.0.0.beta/lib/rails/configuration.rb:126:in   `frameworks': config.frameworks in no longer supported. See the generated    config/boot.rb for steps on how to limit the frameworks that will be loaded    (RuntimeError)  from *snip* 

Of course, I have looked at the boot.rb as it suggested, but as far as I can see, there is no clue here as to how I might go about unloading AR. The reason I need to do this is because not only is it silly to be loading something I don't want, but it is complaining about its inability to make a DB connection even when I try to run a generator for a controller. This is because I've wiped database.yml and replaced it with connection details for MongoDB in order to use this gist for using database.yml for MongoDB connection details. Not sure why it needs to be able to initiate a DB connection at all just to generate a controller anyway....

Is anyone aware of the correct Rails 3 way of doing this?

like image 929
Mark Embling Avatar asked Feb 06 '10 09:02

Mark Embling

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The change method can be used to drop a column in Rails 4 applications, but should not be used in Rails 3. I updated my answer accordingly. You can also use remove_column :table_name, :column_name, :type, :options within the change method, since if you specify the type reverting the migration is possible.

Can you use ActiveRecord without rails?

One of the primary aspects of ActiveRecord is that there is very little to no configuration needed. It follow convention over configuration. ActiveRecord is commonly used with the Ruby-on-Rails framework but you can use it with Sinatra or without any web framework if desired.

1 Answers

I'm going by this from reading the source, so let me know if it actually worked. :)

The rails command that generates the application template now has an option -O, which tells it to skip ActiveRecord.

If you don't feel like rerunning rails, you should check the following in your existing app:

  • Check that your config/application.rb doesn't have require 'rails/all' or require "active_record/railtie". Instead, for a standard Rails setup without ActiveRecord, it should have only the following requires:

    require File.expand_path('../boot', __FILE__)  require "action_controller/railtie" require "action_mailer/railtie" require "active_resource/railtie" require "rails/test_unit/railtie" require "sprockets/railtie"  # Auto-require default libraries and those for the current Rails environment.  Bundler.require :default, Rails.env 
  • If, in config/application.rb, you are using the config.generators section, make sure it doesn't have the line g.orm :active_record. You can set this explicitly to nil, if you want, but this should be the default when g.orm is completely omitted.

  • Optional, but in your Gemfile, remove the gem line that loads the module for your database. This could be the line gem "mysql" for example.

like image 117
Stéphan Kochen Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 21:09

Stéphan Kochen