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Remove Active Record Error in Rails 3.1

I'm upgrading an application from Rails 3.0 to 3.1 and found the following error showing up in my tests:

NoMethodError: undefined method `delete' for #<ActiveModel::Errors:0x007f928c0ee310>

I have the following snippet that moves errors :

after_validation do

  self.errors[:image_size].each do |message|
    self.errors.add(:image, message)

  self.errors[:image_extension].each do |message|
    self.errors.add(:image, message)



I still need to be able to move all validations from image_size and image_extension, but I'm not sure how do this in Rails 3.1. Any ideas?

like image 573
Kevin Sylvestre Avatar asked Sep 06 '11 04:09

Kevin Sylvestre

1 Answers

The only method that removes anything is clear and the removes everything so I think you have to:

  • Pull all the error messages out (probably using to_hash).
  • Clear all the errors with self.errors.clear.
  • Put all the error messages back in the right/desired places using self.errors.add.
like image 134
mu is too short Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 23:11

mu is too short