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Remove a selected item from multiple select2 box on removal of selected item from another multiple select 2 box

I have two multiple select2 boxes, Box1 options are populated dynamically,when i select any option from this select box, it should get added to the new Box2. This scenario is working as required. Problem i am facing is. When i remove any selected item from the Box1, i am able to remove it from Box2. But if that item is selected in Box2 it still remains.

Ex: A,B,C are selected values in Box 1, Box2 gets populated with A,B,C. If i select B,c in Box 2 and if i remove B from Box1. My Box2 items will now be AC. But B,C will still remain selected in Box2.

Can anyone help me in solving this tricky problem.

$("#Box1").on("change", function() {

    var box1List = $('#Box1').val();


    for (var key in box1List) {
        var valueField = box1List[key];
        var textField = $("#Box1 > option[value='"+valueField+"']").text();
        $("#Box2").append($('<option>', {value: valueField, text: textField}));

$("#Box1").on("select2-removed", function(e) {

    console.log("removed val=" + e.val + " choice=" + e.choice.text);

    $('#Box2 option[value="'+e.val+'"]').remove();

like image 992
Gikar Avatar asked Jul 18 '14 08:07


2 Answers

After you alter the child <option> elements of a Select2 <select> element, you should call .change() on it to get it to update its display.


But in your case, you probably also want to restore the value of the Select2 after you remove and re-add the options.

$("#Box1").on("change", function() {
    var val = $('#Box2').select2('val');
    $.each($('#Box1').select2('data'), function(i, item) {
        $("#Box2").append($('<option>', {value: item.id, text: item.text}));
    $('#Box2').select2('val', val);

When you use .select2('val', val) to set the value, you do not need to call .change().


like image 160
John S Avatar answered Nov 03 '22 19:11

John S

I have referenced from the post of Pierre de LESPINAY Glideh. And I tried to apply to my project.

new_data = $.grep($('#my_input').select2('data'), function (value) {
    return value['id'] != id_to_remove;
$('#my_input').select2('data', new_data);

It worked fine.

like image 26
Chinh Vo Wili Avatar answered Nov 03 '22 17:11

Chinh Vo Wili