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Remove a comma between two specific characters





I currently have the string:

"Blah, blah, blah,~Part One, Part Two~,blah blah"

I need to remove the comma between the ~ character so it reads.

"Blah, blah, blah,~Part One Part Two~,blah blah"

Can anyone help me out please?

Many thanks,

like image 959
James Doc Avatar asked Jun 25 '10 13:06

James Doc

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2 Answers

If there is exactly one comma between the ~s and an even number of ~s in all, then

preg_replace("/~([^,]*),([^,]*)~/", "~\1\2~", $text) 

should do it.

like image 93
Jens Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 23:11


It may be easier to do this in a few steps:

  • Split on ~
  • Transform the parts that are "inside" the ~ only
    • Simply replace ',' with ''
  • Join the parts back together with ~

A regex solution

That said, it is possible to do this in regex, assuming an even number of ~:


echo preg_replace(


The above prints (as seen on codepad.org):


How it works

There are 4 cases:

  • We're at the beginning of the string, "outside"
    • Just match until we find the first ~, so next time we'll be "inside"
    • So, (^[^~]*~)
  • There are no more ~ till the end of the string
    • If there are even number of ~, we'll be "outside"
    • Just match until the end
    • So, ([^~]*$)
  • If it's none of the above, we're "inside"
    • Keep finding the next comma before ~ (so we're still "inside")
      • So, ([^,~]*),
    • If we find ~ instead of a comma, then go out, then go back in on the next ~
      • So, ([^,~]*~[^~]*~)

In all case, we make sure we capture enough to reconstruct the string.


  • regular-expressions.info/Character Classes, Anchors, Grouping and backreferences
like image 31
polygenelubricants Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 22:11
