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Reload/Update View In Swift





I'm busy making an app with an account page. I want that users can logon via that page and as soon as they have done so successfully that the page reloads to display their account information rather than the standard message stating that they have to logon to make use of the page.

However when I get sent back to the account page from logging on the view doesn't really update. So therefore I am wondering if I can't reload the view after certain buttons are pressed that can check again wether the user is logged on or not and deal accordingly.

like image 517
Ted Huinink Avatar asked Mar 03 '15 08:03

Ted Huinink

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1 Answers

if you want to trigger layouting or just drawing there is setNeedsLayout and setNeedsDisplay

There is no built-in method to reload custom data (on iOS)

so do a reload and inside a reload -- call setNeedsDisplay

import UIKit

protocol MyViewDelegate {
    func viewString() -> String;

class MyView : UIView {
    var myViewDelegate : MyViewDelegate?
    private var str : String?

    func reloadData() {
        if myViewDelegate != nil {
            str = myViewDelegate!.viewString()

    override func drawRect(rect: CGRect) {
        if str != nil {
            let ns = str! as NSString
            ns.drawInRect(self.bounds, withAttributes: [NSForegroundColorAttributeName: UIColor.blueColor(), NSFontAttributeName: UIFont.systemFontOfSize(10)])

class ViewController: UIViewController, MyViewDelegate {
    func viewString() -> String {
        return "blabla"

    var v : MyView!

    override func viewDidLoad() {

        v = MyView(frame: self.view.bounds)

        v.myViewDelegate = self;

    override func viewWillAppear(animated: Bool) {
like image 136
Daij-Djan Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 22:10
