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reliably forcing Guava map eviction to take place


EDIT: I've reorganized this question to reflect the new information that since became available.

This question is based on the responses to a question by Viliam concerning Guava Maps' use of lazy eviction: Laziness of eviction in Guava's maps

Please read this question and its response first, but essentially the conclusion is that Guava maps do not asynchronously calculate and enforce eviction. Given the following map:

ConcurrentMap<String, MyObject> cache = new MapMaker()
        .expireAfterAccess(10, TimeUnit.MINUTES)

Once ten minutes has passed following access to an entry, it will still not be evicted until the map is "touched" again. Known ways to do this include the usual accessors - get() and put() and containsKey().

The first part of my question [solved]: what other calls cause the map to be "touched"? Specifically, does anyone know if size() falls into this category?

The reason for wondering this is that I've implemented a scheduled task to occasionally nudge the Guava map I'm using for caching, using this simple method:

public static void nudgeEviction() {

However I'm also using cache.size() to programmatically report the number of objects contained in the map, as a way to confirm this strategy is working. But I haven't been able to see a difference from these reports, and now I'm wondering if size() also causes eviction to take place.

Answer: So Mark has pointed out that in release 9, eviction is invoked only by the get(), put(), and replace() methods, which would explain why I wasn't seeing an effect for containsKey(). This will apparently change with the next version of guava which is set for release soon, but unfortunately my project's release is set sooner.

This puts me in an interesting predicament. Normally I could still touch the map by calling get(""), but I'm actually using a computing map:

ConcurrentMap<String, MyObject> cache = new MapMaker()
        .expireAfterAccess(10, TimeUnit.MINUTES)

where loadFunction loads the MyObject corresponding to the key from a database. It's starting to look like I have no easy way of forcing eviction until r10. But even being able to reliably force eviction is put into doubt by the second part of my question:

The second part of my question [solved]: In reaction to one of the responses to the linked question, does touching the map reliably evict all expired entries? In the linked answer, Niraj Tolia indicates otherwise, saying eviction is potentially only processed in batches, which would mean multiple calls to touch the map might be needed to ensure all expired objects were evicted. He did not elaborate, however this seems related to the map being split into segments based on concurrency level. Assuming I used r10, in which a containsKey("") does invoke eviction, would this then be for the entire map, or only for one of the segments?

Answer: maaartinus has addressed this part of the question:

Beware that containsKey and other reading methods only run postReadCleanup, which does nothing but on each 64th invocation (see DRAIN_THRESHOLD). Moreover, it looks like all cleanup methods work with single Segment only.

So it looks like calling containsKey("") wouldn't be a viable fix, even in r10. This reduces my question to the title: How can I reliably force eviction to occur?

Note: Part of the reason my web app is noticeably affected by this issue is that when I implemented caching I decided to use multiple maps - one for each class of my data objects. So with this issue there is the possibility that one area of code is executed, causing a bunch of Foo objects to be cached, and then the Foo cache isn't touched again for a long time so it doesn't evict anything. Meanwhile Bar and Baz objects are being cached from other areas of code, and memory is being eaten. I'm setting a maximum size on these maps, but this is a flimsy safeguard at best (I'm assuming its effect is immediate - still need to confirm this).

UPDATE 1: Thanks to Darren for linking the relevant issues - they now have my votes. So it looks like a resolution is in the pipeline, but seems unlikely to be in r10. In the meantime, my question remains.

UPDATE 2: At this point I'm just waiting for a Guava team member to give feedback on the hack maaartinus and I put together (see answers below).

LAST UPDATE: feedback received!

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Paul Bellora Avatar asked Aug 15 '11 18:08

Paul Bellora

2 Answers

I just added the method Cache.cleanUp() to Guava. Once you migrate from MapMaker to CacheBuilder you can use that to force eviction.

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fry Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 09:09


I was wondering the about the same issue you described in the first part of your question. From what I can tell from looking at the source code for Guava's CustomConcurrentHashMap (release 9), it appears that entries are evicted on the get(), put(), and replace() methods. The containsKey() method does not appear to invoke eviction. I'm not 100% sure because I took a quick pass at the code.


I also found a more recent version of the CustomConcurrentHashmap in Guava's git repository and it looks like containsKey() has been updated to invoke eviction.

Both release 9 and the latest version I just found do not invoke eviction when size() is called.

Update 2:

I recently noticed that Guava r10 (yet to be released) has a new class called CacheBuilder. Basically this class is a forked version of the MapMaker but with caching in mind. The documentation suggests that it will support some of the eviction requirements you are looking for.

I reviewed the updated code in r10's version of the CustomConcurrentHashMap and found what looks like a scheduled map cleaner. Unfortunately, that code appears unfinished at this point but r10 looks more and more promising each day.

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Mark Bouchard Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 09:09

Mark Bouchard