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relationship and blade in laravel

I have 3 table as mentioned below.

Table 1(user): 
id    username   password  Name Age

Table 2(tasks):
id  task_name  description

Table 3(logs) 
id user_id task_id date hours

Table Relationships:

user has_many logs
task has_many logs

logs belongs_to user 
logs belongs_to  task

what i am trying to achieve is to get the logs with the user Name, task Name, date and hours.


return View::make('log.index')

Blade template

@foreach($logs as $log)

but unable to fetch users Name and Tasks name from the respective table. any help is appreciated.

like image 777
Daniel Euchar Avatar asked Jan 23 '13 13:01

Daniel Euchar

2 Answers

A better way is to define inverse hasMany relation in your Model, as documented here

So in your logs model, probably you need to define:

class Log extends Eloquent {
    protected $table = "logs";

    public function user(){
         return $this->belongsTo('User');
    public function task(){
         return $this->belongsTo('Task');

Then in your view you can either use :


or even better, by using Dynamic Properties:

like image 92
Xiao Liu Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 18:10

Xiao Liu

$log->users() and $log->tasks() returns a query object. Below, each call returns the result which is the same as calling $log->users()->get() and $log->tasks()->get(). Because the relationships are many to many, you'll need to iterate over $log->users and $log->tasks to retrieve each record.

@foreach($logs as $log)
                @foreach($log->users as $user)
                @foreach($log->tasks as $task)

If you want a specific user/task attached to a log you'll have to build a query.

@foreach($logs as $log)
            <td>{{$log->users()->where('id', '=', $userID)->first()->name}} </td>
            <td>{{$log->tasks()->where('id', '=', $taskID)->first()->name}} </td>
like image 28
Blessing Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 18:10
