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Relation view is not available phpMyAdmin on wampserver 2.5

I'm trying for a few hours now to turn on designer view/relational view. Before formatting I remember that I have had this tab without doing anything. My tables are stored on InnoDB engine.

I tried : http://foundationphp.com/tutorials/pma_config.php and http://www.w3expert.com/2008/03/how-to-enable-view-feature-in.html and many more no luck whatsoever

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Higeath Avatar asked Dec 24 '22 22:12


2 Answers

When mapping tables with foreign keys in PHPMyAdmin, you need the “Relation View” link to do so. However, in WAMP, it does not show by default.

No fret. To enable “Relation View”:

Go to the file config.inc.php located in /wamp/apps/PHPMYADMINFOLDER/ Add this line:

$cfg[‘Servers’][$i][‘relation’] = ‘pma_relation’;

And restart Apache. You should now see the “Relation View” link after that.

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Mohammad Reza Nadernia Avatar answered Jan 06 '23 03:01

Mohammad Reza Nadernia

Relation View is not a tab across the top of the screen, it's accessed by going to the Structure tab of a table. With new versions, there's a sub-tab at the top:

New relation view

I believe this changed with version 4.4; prior to that it was on the same page but a bit further down:

Older relation view

So if you're looking for a tab, that's why you're not finding it ;)

Regarding Designer, you have to have your "phpMyAdmin configuration storage" set up properly for the tab to display in the Database page. The official documentation is at http://docs.phpmyadmin.net/en/latest/setup.html#phpmyadmin-configuration-storage but basically you import the file create_tables.sql from the sql or examples directory of your phpMyAdmin installation, then you have to configure your config.inc.php to reflect the database name and table names you've created.

Have you successfully created the phpmyadmin database; can you log in with the control user and see the database and tables? When you log in, is there a message at the bottom of your screen that "your phpMyAdmin configuration storage is not properly configured" or some such?

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Isaac Bennetch Avatar answered Jan 06 '23 02:01

Isaac Bennetch