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Relation between entities in DDD

I am a beginner on DDD, working around small, simple domains in order to get my head on all the principles of design.

I have this simple domain: institutions (Institution) and their available WiFi spots (Place) are kept in the database. No place can exist without an institution. Institution has manager user - assignee (User), which has the right to add new places, reallocate or delete existing ones.

Code can be found here. The validation on value objects is left behind for now.

This is influenced by Mathias Verraes on child entities.

Is it a correct DDD design? or at least close to it?

While being a data-centric programmer, I still wonder how would I list all the places for all the Institutions, if the rule of thumb is accessing aggregates through the aggregate root?

Is the idea of generating Uuid inside of the entity itself (Place::create) good?

Should an idea, that only assignee (User) can add/remove places be expressed on the domain itself or should it be the responsibility of client? In this case it would be wise if the assignee would know about his managed institution (institutionId in User?).

Isn't the Institution::placeById breaking any principles of DDD? Maybe it is the responsibility of the repository?

like image 827
andrius.k Avatar asked Nov 29 '16 13:11


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How are entities related to domain-driven design DDD?

A domain entity in DDD must implement the domain logic or behavior related to the entity data (the object accessed in memory). For example, as part of an order entity class you must have business logic and operations implemented as methods for tasks such as adding an order item, data validation, and total calculation.

How are entities represented in a relational database?

Each entity is described by a set of attributes (e.g., Employee = (Name, Address, Birthdate (Age), Salary). Each attribute has a name, and is associated with an entity and a domain of legal values.

What are domain entities?

A domain entity is a unique, identifiable, and independent object within a domain. A domain is a collection of entities that share a common attribute. A domain entity is a unique, identifiable, and independent object within a domain. Domain entities can be physical or conceptual.

What is domain in DDD principle?

Domain-Driven Design(DDD) is a collection of principles and patterns that help developers craft elegant object systems. Properly applied it can lead to software abstractions called domain models. These models encapsulate complex business logic, closing the gap between business reality and code.

1 Answers

The aggregate root rule only applies on the write side. This problem will go away if have a dedicated read model. You should be free to project to read models that are suited to your user scenario.

Else you can add all places from institutions to a hash set an return that flattened list.

When designing aggregate roots think about the update scenario. Can place be updated independently of institution? If yes. Then it might be an aggregate root of its own.

Normally repository should determine next ID.

Express user rights via roles containing a list of permissions.in every method pass the sender and check for access inside methods. This also allow easy testing of access rights.

like image 148
Christian Johansen Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 16:10

Christian Johansen