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Reinstall conda and packages from scratch




I have my conda corrupted due to pip install. After manipulations, I end up having 2 Python 2.7 interprete in the same conda root env.....

I have other conda env. safe and intact. How to re-isntall the default root env in a clean way ? I have exported the packages by :

conda list --explicit > spec-file.txt   
conda create --name myenv --file spec-file.txt     # Create Env using a file
like image 965
tensor Avatar asked Aug 29 '17 15:08


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Run the command conda install package-name to install the python package like below. After you successfully install the python package, you can run the command conda list package-name to verify that it has been installed. To uninstall a python package, you can run the command conda uninstall package-name.

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conda install ¶. conda. install. ¶. Installs a list of packages into a specified conda environment. This command accepts a list of package specifications (e.g, bitarray=0.8) and installs a set of packages consistent with those specifications and compatible with the underlying environment. If full compatibility cannot be assured, ...

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To prevent existing packages from updating, use the --freeze-installed option. This may force conda to install older versions of the requested packages, and it does not prevent additional dependency packages from being installed. If you wish to skip dependency checking altogether, use the '--no-deps' option.

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1 Answers

Solution :

1) reinstall minconda in a new folder 2) Remove duplicates in spec-file.txt 2) create new conda env using the spec-file.txt

Cleaner and better way I found.... (also backing up the conda folder is also a good solution)

like image 106
tensor Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 06:10
