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Regex to match the longest repeating substring

I'm writing regular expression for checking if there is a substring, that contains at least 2 repeats of some pattern next to each other. I'm matching the result of regex with former string - if equal, there is such pattern. Better said by example: 1010 contains pattern 10 and it is there 2 times in continuous series. On other hand 10210 wouldn't have such pattern, because those 10 are not adjacent.

What's more, I need to find the longest pattern possible, and it's length is at least 1. I have written the expression to check for it ^.*?(.+)(\1).*?$. To find longest pattern, I've used non-greedy version to match something before patter, then pattern is matched to group 1 and once again same thing that has been matched for group1 is matched. Then the rest of string is matched, producing equal string. But there's a problem that regex is eager to return after finding first pattern, and don't really take into account that I intend to make those substrings before and after shortest possible (leaving the rest longest possible). So from string 01011010 I get correctly that there's match, but the pattern stored in group 1 is just 01 though I'd except 101.

As I believe I can't make pattern "more greedy" or trash before and after even "more non-greedy" I can only come whit an idea to make regex less eager, but I'm not sure if this is possible.

Further examples:

56712453289 - no pattern - no match with former string
22010110100 - pattern 101 - match with former string (regex resulted in 22010110100 with 101 in group 1)
5555555 - pattern 555 - match
1919191919 - pattern 1919 - match
191919191919 - pattern 191919 - match
2323191919191919 - pattern 191919 - match

What I would get using current expression (same strings used):

no pattern - no match
pattern 2 - match
pattern 555 - match
pattern 1919 - match
pattern 191919 - match
pattern 23 - match
like image 350
Raven Avatar asked Feb 09 '12 18:02


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A repeat is an expression that is repeated an arbitrary number of times. An expression followed by '*' can be repeated any number of times, including zero. An expression followed by '+' can be repeated any number of times, but at least once.

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2 Answers

In Perl you can do it with one expression with help of (??{ code }):

$_ = '01011010';
say /(?=(.+)\1)(?!(??{ '.+?(..{' . length($^N) . ',})\1' }))/;



What happens here is that after a matching consecutive pair of substrings, we make sure with a negative lookahead that there is no longer pair following it.

To make the expression for the longer pair a postponed subexpression construct is used (??{ code }), which evaluates the code inside (every time) and uses the returned string as an expression.

The subexpression it constructs has the form .+?(..{N,})\1, where N is the current length of the first capturing group (length($^N), $^N contains the current value of the previous capturing group).

Thus the full expression would have the form:


With the magical N (and second capturing group not being a "real"/proper capturing group of the original expression).

Usage example:

use v5.10;

sub longest_rep{
    $_[0] =~ /(?=(.+)\1)(?!(??{ '.+?(..{' . length($^N) . ',})\1' }))/;

say longest_rep '01011010';
say longest_rep '010110101000110001';
say longest_rep '2323191919191919';
say longest_rep '22010110100';


like image 184
Qtax Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 18:09


You can do it in a single regex, you just have to pick the longest match from the list of results manually.

def longestrepeating(strg):
    regex = re.compile(r"(?=(.+)\1)")
    matches = regex.findall(strg)
    if matches:
        return max(matches, key=len)

This gives you (since re.findall() returns a list of the matching capturing groups, even though the matches themselves are zero-length):

>>> longestrepeating("yabyababyab")
>>> longestrepeating("10100101")
>>> strings = ["56712453289", "22010110100", "5555555", "1919191919", 
               "191919191919", "2323191919191919"]
>>> [longestrepeating(s) for s in strings]
[None, '101', '555', '1919', '191919', '191919']
like image 37
Tim Pietzcker Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 17:09

Tim Pietzcker