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Regex to match text, but not if contained in brackets [duplicate]



I could not find any practical way to do this, myself:

APPLE should be matched

APPLE APPLE should result in two matches

APPLE (APPLE) should result in one match

(BANANA APPLE) should result in no matches

()APPLE() should result in one match

The brackets can be separated from the wanted string by any length of text over multiple lines. Other brackets not containing the string can exist in any configuration.

EDIT None of the answers thus far (and thanks for them!) allow for newline characters between the brackets. Is this not a possibility?

like image 970
Weckar E. Avatar asked Mar 01 '17 08:03

Weckar E.

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1 Answers

Hope this will work fine

Regex: (?<!\()\bAPPLE\b(?![\w\s]*[\)])

\b a word boundary

(?![\w\s]*[\)]) Negatively lookahead for ) followed by words or spaces

(?<!\() Negatively lookbehind for (


like image 129
Sahil Gulati Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 23:10

Sahil Gulati