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Regex to match a specific group of digits of certain length?

I found this: Regex to match digits of specific length but it talks about Python. I am wanting to be able to get a group of random numbers of specific length. So if I have 167691#15316243 it will match 15316243. I am not sure how to implement this. right now I have new RegExp('[0-9]+', "g"); which matches a group of numbers fine, but now I realized I will have some times when I have more than one group and I only want the group of eight numbers.

like image 888
qitch Avatar asked Mar 11 '12 02:03


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Occurrence Indicators (or Repetition Operators): +: one or more ( 1+ ), e.g., [0-9]+ matches one or more digits such as '123' , '000' . *: zero or more ( 0+ ), e.g., [0-9]* matches zero or more digits. It accepts all those in [0-9]+ plus the empty string.

1 Answers

You can specify the length of a matching set using {}.

For example: [0-9]{8}

Which will match any numbers from 0 to 9 with a specific length of 8 characters.

You can also specify a min/max range instead of forcing a specific legnth. So if you wanted a min of 4 and a max of 8 the example would change to: [0-9]{4,8}

like image 191
Timeout Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 11:10
