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Regex to extract key-value pairs separated by space, with space in values

Assume a one-line string with multiple consecutive key-value pairs, separated by a space, but with space allowed also within values (not in keys), e.g.

key1=one two three key2=four key3=five six key4=seven eight nine ten

Correctly extracting the key-value pairs from above would produce the following mappings:

"key1", "one two"
"key2", "four"
"key3", "five six"
"key4", "seven eight nine ten"

where "keyX" can be any sequence of characters, excluding space.

Trying something simple, like


or similar variations is not adequate.

Is there a regex to fully handle such extraction, without any further string processing?

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PNS Avatar asked Nov 30 '22 18:11


2 Answers

\1 contains the key and \2 the value:

(key\d+)=(.*?)(?= key\d+|$)

Escape \ with \\ in Java:

(key\\d+)=(.*?)(?= key\\d+|$)

Demo: https://regex101.com/r/dO8kM2/1

like image 21
AMDcze Avatar answered Dec 05 '22 11:12


Try with a lookahead:


As a Java String:


Test at regex101.com; Test at regexplanet (click on "Java")

like image 94
Jonny 5 Avatar answered Dec 05 '22 12:12

Jonny 5