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RegEx to allow all characters, length should be 1-50 characters


People also ask

How do I limit the length of a character in regex?

The ‹ ^ › and ‹ $ › anchors ensure that the regex matches the entire subject string; otherwise, it could match 10 characters within longer text. The ‹ [A-Z] › character class matches any single uppercase character from A to Z, and the interval quantifier ‹ {1,10} › repeats the character class from 1 to 10 times.

What does '$' mean in regex?

$ means "Match the end of the string" (the position after the last character in the string).

What does \d mean in regex?

\d (digit) matches any single digit (same as [0-9] ). The uppercase counterpart \D (non-digit) matches any single character that is not a digit (same as [^0-9] ). \s (space) matches any single whitespace (same as [ \t\n\r\f] , blank, tab, newline, carriage-return and form-feed).

How do I allow special characters in regex?

You can use this regex /^[ A-Za-z0-9_@./#&+-]*$/. To know more about regex ,watch this videos. You can use this regex /^[ A-Za-z0-9_@./#&+-]*$/.


I am trying to implement a Regular Expression that will check a string is between 1 - 50 characters. They are allowed to enter any characters.

I am new to creating regex expressions but this is my attempt: ^{1,50}$

The reason I tried that is that I found this was the way to limit the characters.

Any help on this would be great.