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Regex - Match any word but ignore specific word [duplicate]



I want to match any word that starts/ends or not contain with word "end" but ignore word "end", for example:

  • hello - would match
  • boyfriend - would match
  • endless - would match
  • endend - would match


  • end - would NOT match

I'm using ^(?!end)).*$ but its not what I want.

Sorry for my english

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moebarox Avatar asked Jul 27 '17 05:07


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) Closing tag for negative lookahead. [\w]+ character class to capture words. Explanation: The regex search will only look for locations starting with word boundaries, and will remove matches with end as only word. i.e [WORD BOUNDARY]end [END OF WORD BOUNDARY]. \w will capture rest of the word.

1 Answers

Try this:


This will match everything except end.

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NID Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 03:10