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Regex Match any string powershell

No matter how well I feel like I know regular expressions, they always seem to beat me.

I am looking for a universal pattern that will match any string. The only way I could figure out how to handle all these different naming conventions, was make a bunch of different regex patterns, and now I'm not even sure if all the data is getting picked up so I would have to manually cross-check it.

I am just trying to pick up anything that could possibly be within two brackets [ ] :

elseif($line -match "\[\w*\d*\]") {         
    $pars = $matches[0]
elseif($line -match "\[\d*\w*\]") {
    $pars = $matches[0]
elseif($line -match "\[\w*\d*_\w*\]") {
    $pars = $matches[0]
elseif($line -match "\[\w*\d*_*\w*-*\w*:*\w*\]") {
    $pars = $matches[0]
elseif($line -match "\[\w*_*\w*_*\w*_*\w*_*\w*_*\w*-*\w*\]") {
    $pars = $matches[0]

The way I am doing it does not generate errors, but I am not sure it handles all the situations I could potentially come across. Checking manually is almost impossible with this much data.

Also, if anyone knows of a great utility for generating regex patterns it would be much appreciated. I have only been able to find regex testers which isn't very useful to me, and there is little help online for regular expressions with powershell.

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Cole9350 Avatar asked Aug 01 '13 17:08


People also ask

What does regex do in PowerShell?

A regular expression is a special sequence of characters that helps you match or find other strings or sets of strings, using a specialized syntax held in a pattern. They can be used to search, edit, or manipulate text and data. Matches the beginning of the line. Matches the end of the line.

What is $Matches PowerShell?

$Matches is a variable that contains a hashtable. The hashtable (a key-pair) has a key and a value. The key is the index and the value is “what was returned as the match.” Since there is only one value in the $Matches variable, you can get to the value of the match by referencing the key-pair by its name.

What is pattern in PowerShell?

The Pattern parameter specifies the text to match Get-. Select-String displays the output in the PowerShell console. The file name and line number precede each line of content that contains a match for the Pattern parameter.

2 Answers

$a = [regex]"\[(.*)\]"
$b = $a.Match("sdfqsfsf[fghfdghdfhg]dgsdfg") 
like image 79
JPBlanc Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 08:10


Match everything that isn't a bracket. Create a character class that contains anything but the bracket characters:

$line -match "\[[^\[\]]+\]"
like image 7
Aaron Jensen Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 09:10

Aaron Jensen