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Regex in spring controller

I am trying to build a request filter that will only get used if it matches a pattern of the letter e, then a number. However I cannot seem to get it to work. I keep getting 400 errors every time I try something with regex.

If I just use the following it "works" but also captures mappings that do not have numbers which I don't want.

@RequestMapping(value = "e{number}",             method = RequestMethod.GET) 

I have tried the following combinations.

@RequestMapping(value = "e{number}",             params = "number:\\d+",             method = RequestMethod.GET)  @RequestMapping(value = "e{number:\d+}",             method = RequestMethod.GET)  @RequestMapping(value = "/e{^\\+?\\d+\$}",             method = RequestMethod.GET)  @RequestMapping(value = "/{^\\e+?\\d+\$}",             method = RequestMethod.GET) 
like image 969
zmanc Avatar asked Aug 24 '13 19:08


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1 Answers

According to the documentation, you have to use something like {varName:regex}. There's even an example :

@RequestMapping("/spring-web/{symbolicName:[a-z-]+}-{version:\\d\\.\\d\\.\\d}{extension:\\.[a-z]+}")   public void handle(@PathVariable String version, @PathVariable String extension) {     // ...   } } 
like image 78
sam Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 21:09
