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regex. how to exclude a substring from the result after it matches the pattern [duplicate]



I wonder how i can exclude a substring from the result after it matches the pattern. example:

<a href="?page1"><?php __('string1');?></a>
<a href="?page2"><?php __("string2");?></a>

I want to get only the strings passed as parameters to the __() function. i tried this regex:


but that returns 'string1' and "string2" wrapped in single quotes and double quotations.
how can i exclude single quotes and double quotations?

like image 925
ahmedhelmy007 Avatar asked May 16 '11 05:05


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2 Answers

You want to try using non-capturing groups - (?:ABC)

like image 134
manojlds Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 11:09


You can use Lookahead and Lookbehind or make the string inside of the quotes a group.

like image 44
daalbert Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 11:09
