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Regex group match exactly n times

I have to validate next string format:


Separator is character '-'. Third column must always be id. I wrote next regex (in python) which validates string:

import re

s = 'col1-col2-col3-id' # any additional text at the end
                        # is allowed e.g. -col4-col5
print re.match('^(.*-){3}id(-.*)?$', s) # ok 
print re.match('^(.*-){1}id(-.*)?$', s) # still ok, is should not be

I tried adding non-greedy mode, but result is still the same:


What am I missing in my regex? I could just validate string like this:

>>> import re
>>> print re.split('-', 'col1-col2-col3-id')
['col1', 'col2', 'col3', 'id']

And then check if the third element matches id, but I am interested in why does the first regex works as mentioned above.

like image 478
broadband Avatar asked Aug 15 '14 11:08


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1 Answers

Your first regex is incorrect because it asserts that id is present after the first three items.
Your second regex matches the string incorrectly because .* matches hyphens as well.

You should use this regex:


Here is a regex demo!

And if you feel a need to anchor a regex to the end, use /^(?:[^-]*-){2}id.*$/!

As mentioned by Tim Pietzcker, consider asserting id at the end of the item:


Here is an UPDATED regex demo!

like image 108
Unihedron Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 21:10
