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Regex for multiline email addresses?



I'm looking for a RegEx for multiple line email addresses. For example:

1) Single email:

johnsmith@email.com  - ok

2) Two line email:

karensmith@emailcom  - ok

3) Two line email:

john  smith@email.com - not ok

I've tried the following:


But when I test it, it seems to still match ok if there is 1 valid email address as in example 3.

I need a rule which states all email addresses must be valid.

like image 720
jaffa Avatar asked Jun 10 '11 09:06


2 Answers

How about:


Check the beginning of the string using '^' and the end using '$'. Allow an optional whitespace character with '\s?'.

Try out http://myregexp.com/signedJar.html for testing regex expressions.

like image 126
Mullins Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 05:10


I'd split the string on [\r\n]+ and then test each address individualy.

like image 1
Toto Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 04:10
