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Refused to execute script from p.adsymptotic.com



Has anyone seen this before? I am seeing it recently on my web app. Seems like malicious to me any ideas?

Refused to execute script from https://p.adsymptotic.com/d/px/?_pid=16218&_psign=0aa5badf92527f7732e22463d6fa4dbc&coopa=0&gdpr=0&gdpr_consent=&_puuid=bdf06633-bba8-4be4-bfc9-874db632b7e9&_umid=b785f352df2e57e5171ecc189d20e5ab924667d8a8c12c888f53939c09ad8ca3 because its MIME type (image/gif) is not executable.

like image 375
Dimitrios Douras Avatar asked Sep 24 '19 15:09

Dimitrios Douras

1 Answers

It seems LinkedIn partners tracking scripts are spawning this. For example I use:


like image 155
Dimitrios Douras Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 22:09

Dimitrios Douras