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Refreshing an Activity from service when Active



I've an app where I wish to update the Activity (List activity to be precise) only when the activity from Service is in foreground (Active)

I can use ListActivity Intent but the problem is this brings up activity even when its in background.

I also considered using registerDataSetObserver on ListAdapter but that mandates that cursor should be updated. Updating the Cursor from external service may not be feasible.

Do we have a generic solution to this ?

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Taranfx Avatar asked Jul 12 '10 03:07


1 Answers

Do we have a generic solution to this ?

Probably a dozen of them. Here are a few:

  • Have the activity register a listener object with the service in onResume() and remove it in onPause()
  • Send a private broadcast, picked up by the activity via registerReceiver() when it is in the foreground
  • Have the activity supply a "pending result"-style PendingIntent to the service
  • Use a ResultReceiver
  • Use a ContentProvider, with the activity holding onto a Cursor from the provider, and the service updating the provider

This set of projects demonstrates the first three, in the context of remote services.

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CommonsWare Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 23:09
