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Reflection.Emit - access topmost-but-one item from stack

Is there a way in .NET, using Reflection.Emit, to access the topmost-but-one item from the stack? So if A is topmost, and B next - I want to process B then A. It would be fine to duplicate B above A (since I can simply "pop" the second B when I get to it).

Currently, I am declaring a local:

    LocalBuilder loc = il.DeclareLocal(typeof(Foo));
    il.Emit(OpCodes.Stloc, loc); // store and pop topmost stack item
    // work with (pop) previous stack item 
    il.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloc, loc); // push old topmost stack item

Is there a route that doesn't need the explicit local?

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Marc Gravell Avatar asked Apr 04 '09 23:04

Marc Gravell

4 Answers

I don't think so. In IL there aren't any instructions like swap which would allow you to do what you want. Why do you see using a local as objectionable? If the JIT compiler is good enough this won't result in any slower machine code than using a hypothetical swap operation in IL.

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kvb Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 16:10


+1 for kvbs answer, see: http://www.codeproject.com/KB/msil/msilenhancement.aspx

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Sam Saffron Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 14:10

Sam Saffron

Inline with what kvb said, you could try a small function to do some reordering. Not sure if it would be any faster.

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leppie Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 16:10


I encountered this same problem. I wanted to generate a rather large method and I often wanted to 'swap' in order to store a calculated value. I was unhappy with the large volume of locals showing up in ildasm and noticed that BeginScope/EndScope wasn't any help. I wound up creating a local 'swap' for the context of my method and reusing it for every swap operation. It makes the generated IL cleaner; not sure if it has any meaningful impact on performance.

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Dan Bryant Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 16:10

Dan Bryant