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Reflection in ruby?



I am curious how this works. For example if I create a factory pattern based class where you can "register" classes for later use and then do something like

FactoryClass.register('YourClassName', [param, param, ...]);

where 'class_name' is a key in a hash that maps to value: ClassName

is there anything like php reflection, where I can create an instance of a class based on a string name and pass in the arguments in? (in php the arguments would be an array of them that php then knows how what to do with)

So if we take a real world example:

class Foo
  attr_reader :something

  def initialize(input)
    @something = input

  def get_something
    return @something

# In the factory class, foo is then placed in a hash: {'foo' => 'Foo'}
# This step might not be required??
FactoryClass.create('Foo', ['hello'])

# Some where in your code:
FactoryClass.create('foo').get_something # => hello

Is this possible to do in ruby? I know everything is essentially an object, but I haven't seen any API or docs on creating class instances from string names like this and also passing in objects.

As for the hash above, thinking about it now I would probably have to do something like:

{'foo' => {'class' => 'Foo', 'params' => [param, param, ...]}}

This way when you call .create on the FactoryClass it would know, ok I can instantiate Foo with the associated params.

If I am way off base, please feel free to educate me.

like image 935
TheWebs Avatar asked May 12 '15 13:05


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What is reflection java?

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2 Answers

Check out Module#const_get (retrieving a constant from a String) and Object#send (calling a method from a String).

like image 146
Logan Serman Avatar answered Nov 08 '22 19:11

Logan Serman

Here is an answer that doesn't use eval.

PHP's Reflection is called Metaprogramming in Ruby, but they are quite different. Everything in Ruby is open and could be accessed.

Consider the following code:

class Foo
  attr_reader :something

  def initialize(input)
    @something = input

  def get_something
    return @something

@registered = { }
def register(reference_name, class_name, params=[])
  @registered[reference_name] = { class_name: class_name, params: [params].flatten }

def create(reference_name)
  h = @registered[reference_name]

register('foo', 'Foo', ['something'])
puts create('foo').get_something

You can use Object#const_get to get objects from strings. Object.const_get('Foo') will give you the object Foo.

However, you don't need to send class name as string. You can also pass around the class name as object and use that directly.

class Foo
  attr_reader :something

  def initialize(input)
    @something = input

  def get_something
    return @something

@registered = { }
def register(reference_name, class_name, params=[])
  @registered[reference_name] = { class_name: class_name, params: [params].flatten }

def create(reference_name)
  h = @registered[reference_name]

register('foo', Foo, ['something else'])
puts create('foo').get_something
like image 34
Harsh Gupta Avatar answered Nov 08 '22 20:11

Harsh Gupta