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Referring Enum members to each other

I defined the following Enum in Python:

class Unit(Enum):
    GRAM = ("g")
    KILOGRAM = ("kg", GRAM, 1000.0)

    def __init__(self, symbol, base_unit = None, multiplier = 1.0):
        self.symbol = symbol
        self.multiplier = multiplier
        self.base_unit = self if base_unit is None else base_unit

I would expect that


will return


However, what I get is quite confusing


Why is it so?

like image 823
dzieciou Avatar asked Oct 13 '18 23:10


People also ask

Can enum reference another enum?

Enum implicitly and therefore cannot extend another class. This means extensibility for enums most be derived from a different source. This is about as close as you can get to shared state when it comes to enums. As Johan Sjöberg said above, it might just be easiest to simply combine the enums into another enum.

Can == be used on enum?

equals method uses == operator internally to check if two enum are equal. This means, You can compare Enum using both == and equals method.

Can two enum names have the same value?

1. Two enum names can have same value. For example, in the following C program both 'Failed' and 'Freezed' have same value 0.

2 Answers

The way Python defines a class involves creating a new scope, processing a bunch of statements (variable assignments, function definitions, etc.), and then actually creating a class object based on the local variables which exist after all those statements have run. Nothing gets converted into Enum instances until that last step.

You could understand it somewhat like this:

def make_class_Unit():
  GRAM = ("g")
  KILOGRAM = ("kg", GRAM, 1000.0)

  def __init__(self, symbol, base_unit = None, multiplier = 1.0):
    self.symbol = symbol
    self.multiplier = multiplier
    self.base_unit = self if base_unit is None else base_unit
  return make_class(name='Unit', base=Enum, contents=locals())

Unit = make_class_Unit()

Looking at it this way, hopefully you can tell that at the time when KILOGRAM is defined, GRAM is really just a string. It doesn't become a Unit instance until the last stage, where I call the (imaginary) make_class() function.1

1Even though the make_class function I used above doesn't actually exist under that name, it's not too different from what Python really does, which is calling the constructor of type or a metaclass (which in this case is the metaclass for Enums).

like image 153
David Z Avatar answered Nov 03 '22 15:11

David Z

DavidZ explained the problem well.

The last bit that you need to solve this problem is this: when the __init__ of each member is being run, the Enum has been created -- so you can call it:

self.base_unit = self if base_unit is None else self.__class__(base_unit)
like image 36
Ethan Furman Avatar answered Nov 03 '22 15:11

Ethan Furman