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Refering to a directory in a Flask app doesn't work unless the path is absolute





I downloaded nltk data into the data directory in my Flask app. The views reside in a blueprint in another directory on the same level as the data directory. In the view I'm trying to set the path to the data, but it doesn't work.


This doesn't work. If I use the whole path, it does work.


Why does the first form not work? How can I refer to the location of the data correctly?

like image 821
kidman01 Avatar asked May 19 '15 14:05


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1 Answers

In Python (and most languages), where the code resides in a package is different than what the working directory is when running a program. All relative paths are relative to the current working directory, not the code file it's written in. So you would use the relative path nltk_data/ even from a blueprint, or you would use the absolute path and leave no ambiguity.

The root_path attribute on an app (or blueprint) refers to the package directory for the app (or blueprint). Join your relative path to that to get the absolute path.

resource_path = os.path.join(app.root_path, 'enltk_data')

There's probably no reason to be appending this folder every time you call a view. I'm not familiar with nltk specifically, but there's probably a way to structure this so you set up the data path once when you create your app.

project    /    app    /    blueprint
                       /    data

                            ^ join with root_path to get here
                ^ app.root_path always points here, no matter where cwd is
^ current working directory
like image 140
davidism Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 06:09
