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Referencing Python "import" assemblies when calling from IronPython in C#

I'm a complete noob when it comes to IronPython. I need to call a py script from an ASP.NET website, and have the following code:

var ipy = IronPython.Hosting.Python.CreateRuntime();
dynamic test = ipy.UseFile(Server.MapPath(@"~\python\test.py"));

The version of IronPython I'm using is 2.7.

The 3rd party python file I need to call has the following import directives:

import sys
from array import *
from subprocess import *

I'm receiving the error "No module named subprocess". I've copied the subprocess.py file from the IronPython installation Lib directory, but I assume I need to link to it in the C# code?



I found the solution:

ScriptEngine scriptEngine = Python.CreateEngine();

var sp = scriptEngine.GetSearchPaths();

var scope = scriptEngine.Runtime.ExecuteFile(Server.MapPath(@"~\python\test.py"));

If anyone has any comments/improvements please feel free to elaborate seeing as I'm in new ground with all this Python/IronPython malarky.

like image 467
pfeds Avatar asked Jul 02 '11 14:07


1 Answers

An alternate way of doing this:

dynamic sys = scriptEngine.ImportModule("sys");            
like image 78
edvaldig Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 21:10
