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Referencing an enclosing instance from an inner class



This is a knowledge/curiosity question only.

After several years in Java, this has only just struck me.

class Foo {

   class Bar{




When I look at Foo.this, I would assume that it's a static reference which obviously is not the case.

I know this is part of the Java spec, but exactly what is going on when you use <Class>.this?

Is it one of those "it just is" things?

like image 985
Simon Avatar asked Jan 14 '23 16:01


1 Answers

I know this is part of the Java spec, but exactly what is going on when you use .this?

It just refers to a "hidden" field within Bar. It's easiest to see this by decompiling. You'll see that there's a Bar constructor taking a reference to an instance of Foo. That reference is stored in a field, and then when you use Foo.this, it just accesses that field. So assuming you'd put your Foo.this.doSomething() into a someMethod call, your code is similar to:

class Foo {

   static class Bar {
      private final Foo $foo;

      Bar(Foo foo) {
          this.$foo = foo;

      public void someMethod() {
like image 103
Jon Skeet Avatar answered Jan 21 '23 11:01

Jon Skeet