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ReferenceEquals and Nullable<T>

While writing a unit test, I wanted to use Assert.AreSame(..) against a Nullable<T> type and I got unexpected results. Then I realized that the below code fails:

int? k = 10;
Assert.IsTrue(ReferenceEquals(k, k));

What is happening here?

Also, how can I make sure my method is returning the very same instance I passed to the mock/stub and not just doing return 10?


I usually do the following to make sure I'm getting consistent results in my unit tests:

var result = new string(new[] {'1', '2', '3'});
mock.SetUp(x => x.Method("something").Returns(result);

//Act here

Assert.AreSame(result, instance.ValueAssigned);

If I do return "123" inside Method(..), the above test will fail. I was trying to find a way of doing the same with Nullable.

like image 495
Oscar Mederos Avatar asked Nov 20 '13 04:11

Oscar Mederos

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1 Answers

What is happening here?

Both arguments are being boxed, to different objects.

Imagine your code is actually this:

int? k = 10;
object x = k; // Boxing operation 1
object y = k; // Boxing operation 2
Assert.IsTrue(ReferenceEquals(x, y));

Don't forget that nullable value types are still value types - so they get boxed when you convert them to reference type expressions.

Also, how can I make sure my method is returning the very same instance I passed to the mock/stub and not just doing return 10?

For value types, that question simply doesn't make sense. Basically, use Assert.AreSame for reference types, and Assert.AreEqual for value types. Note that this is independent of nullability. Assert.AreSame(10, 10) will fail too.

like image 175
Jon Skeet Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 05:09

Jon Skeet