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Refer to a class property using a variable?




I have a collection (employees) of employee that contain name, id, office, and officeto fields. I need to printout this information in equally spaced columns. So i need to find the length of the longest string name, office, officeto...and add spaces to make the columns equally spaced.
I know how to do this using a recordset sending the field names into a function. So my question is... Is it possible to refer to a class property (name, office, officeto) by using a variable (similar to rst! [fieldname]). I tried setting it up like it was a recordset loop on a field, but it doesnt compile. The error is class.property not defined.

Public Function PropertyLen(ByVal Property As String, ByRef Employees As colEmployees) As Integer

'This function uses a passed in class property, and returns the len of the longest class property in collection

On Error GoTo ErrorHandler:

Dim Emp As clsEmployee
Dim intLen As Integer 
Dim lngCount As Long

For lngCount = 1 To Employees.Count

       Set Emp = Employees.Item(lngCount)

       If Len(Trim(Emp.Property)) > intLen Then
            intLen = Len(Trim(Emp.Property))
       End If

       Set Emp = Nothing  

    FieldLen = intLen

'clean up
    Set Emp = Nothing
    Exit Function

    modErrorHandler.DisplayUnexpectedError Err.Number, Err.Description
    Resume ExitFunc

End Function
like image 586
R. J. Avatar asked Mar 17 '16 15:03

R. J.

People also ask

How do you access the properties of an object in php?

Within class methods non-static properties may be accessed by using -> (Object Operator): $this->property (where property is the name of the property). Static properties are accessed by using the :: (Double Colon): self::$property .

What is@ property in php?

Property is sometimes referred to as attribute or field. In PHP, a property is qualified by one of the access specifier keywords, public, private or protected. Name of property could be any valid label in PHP. Value of property can be different for each instance of class.

How do you declare and access properties of a class in PHP?

Here, we declare a static property: $value. Then, we echo the value of the static property by using the class name, double colon (::), and the property name (without creating a class first).

What is method and properties in PHP?

PHP - Access Modifiers public - the property or method can be accessed from everywhere. This is default. protected - the property or method can be accessed within the class and by classes derived from that class. private - the property or method can ONLY be accessed within the class.

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2 Answers

There is a sample Class Module clsSample used for the test:

Public Prop1
Public Prop2
Public Prop3
Public Prop4

You may use native VBA function CallByName() to get property value by name:

Sub TestGetProperty()

    Set objSample = New clsSample
    objSample.Prop1 = "TEST"
    Debug.Print CallByName(objSample, "Prop1", VbGet) ' TEST

End Sub

If you do not want to use CallByName() then you may resort to jscript syntax object[property]:

Sub TestGetProperty()

    Set objSample = New clsSample
    objSample.Prop1 = "TEST"
    Debug.Print GetProperty(objSample, "Prop1") ' TEST

End Sub

Function GetProperty(objSample, strName)

    Static objHtmlfile As Object

    If objHtmlfile Is Nothing Then
        Set objHtmlfile = CreateObject("htmlfile")
        objHtmlfile.parentWindow.execScript "function GetProperty(sample, name) {return sample[name]}", "jscript"
    End If
    GetProperty = objHtmlfile.parentWindow.GetProperty(objSample, strName)

End Function

BTW there are another similar solutions allowing to evaluate a string into an object and to create a new class instance by the class name.

like image 157
omegastripes Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 01:10


You could create a wrapper function which takes an object and a string name of a property and returns the object's property with that name. Something like this:

Function GetProperty(O As Object, property As String) As String
    Dim s As String
    property = LCase(property)
    Select Case property
        Case "name"
            s = O.Name
        Case "id"
            s = O.ID
        Case "office"
            s = O.Office
        Case "officeto"
            s = O.officeto
    End Select
    GetProperty = s
End Function

This is mostly untested (since I didn't feel like instantiating a member of your class) but it is able to e.g. return the name of Sheet1 when I evaluate GetProperty(Sheets(1), "name")

like image 24
John Coleman Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 02:10

John Coleman