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Refactoring a large routes.rb file in rails 4

I'm in the process of upgrading a rails 3 app to rails 4.0.1.

In my rails 3 app I have the following code in the my application.rb to use multiple route files.

config.paths["config/routes"] += Dir[Rails.root.join('config', 'routes', '*.rb').to_s]

but that throws an exception when I try to use the same thing in rails 4.

Any tips?

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Cyrus Avatar asked Nov 05 '13 02:11


3 Answers

In one of my larger applications I use the following segment of code inside of my config/routes.rb file.

class ActionDispatch::Routing::Mapper
  def draw(routes_name)

YourApplication::Application.routes.draw do
  # Loads config/routes/common.rb
  draw :common
  # Loads config/routes/another.rb
  draw :another

Rails 4 initially had support for draw :routeName but it was removed as it did not show any improvements. (I dont know ^.^) You can check out the git commit doing so here: https://github.com/rails/rails/commit/5e7d6bba79393de0279917f93b82f3b7b176f4b5

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Michael Lynch Avatar answered Nov 10 '22 15:11

Michael Lynch

Check out this SO answer: rails 4: split routes.rb into multiple smaller files

Looks like this ability was deprecated in Rails 4.

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CDub Avatar answered Nov 10 '22 13:11


I don't know how big your application is. But you should look into routing concern in rails 4, if you need some proper refactoring with Rails route.

Mo' files, mo' problems.

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Dzung Nguyen Avatar answered Nov 10 '22 13:11

Dzung Nguyen