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Redux state is being updated without dispatching any action

I should start off by saying this is not a duplicate of this question, which happened to have the same title.

I'm simply getting a customers object of arrays from props inside a componentDidMount method like this;

  componentDidMount() {
      const { customers } = this.props
      const expiringCustomers = getExpiringCustomers(customers)
      console.log('Expiring customers ', expiringCustomers)

Inside another file, I have that getExpiringCustomers function which takes the customers passed and is suppose to return a newly modified list of customers like this;

function numbersOnly(value) {
    if(_.isString(value)) {
        value = Number(value.replace(/[^\d]/g, ''))

    return value

function normalizeNumber(collection, field) {
    return collection.map(obj => {
        obj[field] = numbersOnly(obj[field])
        return obj

export function getExpiringCustomers(customers) {
    const expiringCustomers = customers.filter(customer => {
        const daysLeft = Number(new Date(customer.endDate)) - _.now()
        if(daysLeft <= (dateInMonth * 3)) {
            return customer

    return normalizeNumber(expiringCustomers, 'rent')

I'm connecting my react component with redux state like this;

const mapStateToProps = state => ({
    customers: state.customers.filter(customer => customer && !customer.deleted)

export default connect(mapStateToProps)(Accounting)


After the functions run and log results, customers' state is changed in redux store.

This is very confusing as customers_edit action has to pass through some procedures but none of them are called/logged.

Snapshot of the affected object:

Ps. The data is just boilerplate.

//- Focus on rent property

const customers = [
      id: 'o91wukyfsq36qidkld02a0voo93rna5w',
      cardId: 'GD-1101010111',
      id_type: 'Driving License',
      firstName: 'Maalim',
      lastName: 'Guruguja',
      names: 'Maalim Guruguja',
      property: '5iaprurefg3v3uhad688mypo9kqf6xk3',
      rent: '250,000',
      email: '[email protected]',
      phone: '239-288-3838-38',
      noticePeriod: '3',
      status: '2 months remain',
      startDate: '2018-07-09',
      endDate: '2018-08-17',
      createdAt: 1530623480772,
      updatedAt: 1531213159147

//- After the functions run, log and edit customers array
const customers = [
      id: 'o91wukyfsq36qidkld02a0voo93rna5w',
      cardId: 'GD-1101010111',
      id_type: 'Driving License',
      firstName: 'Maalim',
      lastName: 'Guruguja',
      names: 'Maalim Guruguja',
      property: '5iaprurefg3v3uhad688mypo9kqf6xk3',
      rent: 250000,
      email: '[email protected]',
      phone: '239-288-3838-38',
      noticePeriod: '3',
      status: '2 months remain',
      startDate: '2018-07-09',
      endDate: '2018-08-17',
      createdAt: 1530623480772,
      updatedAt: 1531213159147

From the linked question (possible duplicate one) the guy who answered stated that it's some mutation issue that may cause this. I'm not sure if that applies on props that are suppose to be read-only.

How can I stop these functions from updating my redux store, please help.

like image 246
ArchNoob Avatar asked Jul 10 '18 09:07


People also ask

How is state updated in Redux?

The only way to update a state inside a store is to dispatch an action and define a reducer function to perform tasks based on the given actions. Once dispatched, the action goes inside the reducer functions which performs the tasks and return the updated state to the store. This is what Redux is all about.

What happens when Redux store updates?

In most apps, the need to update the Redux store arises when data in the backend is updated and we need to update the store to reflect the same changes so that presentation to the frontend is possible without reloading updated data from backend. In most cases it involves add, update, and delete.

Does Redux state persist on refresh?

The idea to use Redux may be fine for a complex react app but this state is not persistable throughout. It means that once you reload the browser the state of the app changes and reaches its default state. Persisting the data of such react apps is very easy.

1 Answers

You mutate the objects in normalizeNumber, since all the array methods you use don't clone the array's objects.

Change normalizeNumber callback to return a new object with the updated field:

function normalizeNumber(collection, field) {
    return collection.map(obj => ({
        [field]: numbersOnly(obj[field])
like image 108
Ori Drori Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 08:11

Ori Drori