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Redux Saga async/await pattern

I'm using async/await throughout my codebase. Because of this my api calls are defined by async functions

async function apiFetchFoo {   return await apiCall(...); } 

I would like to call this function from my saga code. It seems like I can not do this:

// Doesn't work function* fetchFoo(action) {   const results = await apiFetchFoo();   yield put({type: "FOOS_FETCHED_SUCCESSFULLY", foos: results}); } 

However, this does work, and matches the redux saga documentation:

// Does work function* fetchFoo(action) {   const results = yield call(apiFetchFoo);   yield put({type: "FOOS_FETCHED_SUCCESSFULLY", foos: results}); } 

Is this the correct way to use Redux Saga alongside async/await? It is standard to use this generator syntax inside of the saga code, and the async/await pattern elsewhere?

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mattnedrich Avatar asked Apr 17 '17 00:04


People also ask

Can we use async await in redux saga?

You can transpile async/await into generators, but you can't do the reverse. As a userland library, redux-saga can handle asynchronous behavior in ways that async/await doesn't.

Is redux saga async?

Redux Saga utilizes ES6 generator functions for this. Generators allow for synchronously written asynchronous code. A generator will automatically pause — or yield — at each asynchronous call until it completes before continuing.

Does redux saga use promises?

An action creator, createPromiseAction() that you can use to define actions which return promises. We call an action that returns a promise a promise action. Saga helpers implementPromiseAction() , resolvePromiseAction() , and rejectPromiseAction() that you use to resolve or reject a promise action's promise.

What are generators in redux saga?

Sagas are implemented as Generator functions that yield objects to the redux-saga middleware. The yielded objects are a kind of instruction to be interpreted by the middleware. When a Promise is yielded to the middleware, the middleware will suspend the Saga until the Promise completes.

1 Answers

Yes, that's the standard way to use Redux-Saga.

You should never be calling the await function directly inside the saga-generator, because redux-saga is for orchestrating the side-effects. Therefore, any time that you want to run a side-effect you should do it by yielding the side-effect through a redux-saga effect (usually: call or fork). If you do it directly without yielding it through a redux-saga effect, then redux-saga won't be able to orchestrate the side-effect.

If you think about it, the redux-saga generator is completely testable without the need of mocking anything. Also, it helps to keep things decoupled: if your apiFetchFoo returned a promise, the saga would still work the same.

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Josep Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 06:09
