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Redux how to use "compose" with Typescript

I have a bit issue with using compose function in Typescript, I always receive errors. The type definition in .d.ts is also quite confusing. For example:

type Props = { t: number }; 
const foo = (props: {}) => <div {...props} />;
const moo = (props: Props) => <div {...props} />;
const bar = (props: Props) => <div {...props} />;
const Dar = compose(foo, moo)(bar);

const Test = () => <Dar />;

Has several problems. It is complaining that "bar" does not have "foo" parameter (which it actually has).

Also, I cannot use since Dar is evaluated to JSX.Element not stateless function. Any IDEA with possible example of how to use compose in Typescript?


like image 664
tomitrescak Avatar asked Jun 09 '17 14:06


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1 Answers

The inference of TypeScript works from left to right, a generic compose function composes functions from right to left, and it could lead to wrong types.

You can use a composition function which composes from left to right, like flow.

like image 94
Denis Frezzato Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 06:10

Denis Frezzato