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Reduce Datastore Read Operation

Under new pricing scheme of Google App Engine, I get a surprise pricing table as shown below.

enter image description here

The culprit is, I get a huge increased in "Datastore Read Operations", just within a few hours, although there are only less than 50 calls to my DownloadServlet

DownloadServlet will just read blob (Usually less than 1 MB) from database, and return it to user. Is there anything I can do to optimize my code, so that I will not hit the free quota limit so fast.

like image 633
Cheok Yan Cheng Avatar asked Nov 08 '11 15:11

Cheok Yan Cheng

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2 Answers

You're doing a lot of reads because you've broken your files up into 1MB chunks in the datastore. As a result, you have to do one read per chunk, and because you're not using key names or IDs, you're also doing a query for each, further depleting your quota.

Store your data in the blobstore instead.

like image 147
Nick Johnson Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 23:10

Nick Johnson

If the data that you read from the datastore is relatively static (e.g. text for a blog entry), you could consider caching the data in the memcache.

There are no guarantee on how long the data could remain in the memcache, so you need to regularly re-fetch the data from the datastore in case the data in the memcache is invalidated, but the savings to the datastore read ops would be quite considerable.

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Ibrahim Arief Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 21:10

Ibrahim Arief