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Reduce array to a single string

I would like to use the reduce function instead of doing this:

var result = ''; authors.forEach(     function(author) {         result += author.name + ', ';     } ); console.log(result); 

So in the array authors there are several names. Now I want to build a string with this names, separated by comma (except the last one).

var result = authors.reduce(function (author, index) {     return author + ' '; }, ''); console.log(result); 
like image 794
user3142695 Avatar asked Jul 08 '16 15:07


People also ask

Can you reduce a string JavaScript?

Javascript reduce() is an inbuilt array method that executes a callback function known as a reducer on each element of the array and results in a single output value. The reduce() method executes the function for each value of the array (non-empty array) from left to right.

Can I use reduce on string?

We use reduce() when we need to analyze all of the elements in an array and return just a single value, it can transform the data from the array into a number, string, or an object. The reducer function is always taking from the two elements (the accumulator and the current value) reducing them into one value.

How do you reduce an array?

JavaScript Array reduce()The reduce() method executes a reducer function for array element. The reduce() method returns a single value: the function's accumulated result. The reduce() method does not execute the function for empty array elements. The reduce() method does not change the original array.

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1 Answers

A flurry of answers just came in and here is one more!

The first option is using the native js join method which eliminates the need for reduce. https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Array/join

var authors = ['some author', 'another author', 'last author']; var authorString = authors.join(","); console.log(authorString); 

IMPORTANT - if you're array contains objects, then you might want to map it before joining:

var authors = [{name: 'some author'},{name: 'another author'},{name: 'last author'}] var authorString = authors.map(function(author){     return author.name; }).join(","); console.log(authorString); 

or, if you're really fired up about using reduce, just make sure you use the previous value, current value and index when passing in the callback. https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Array/Reduce

var authorString = authors.reduce(function(prevVal,currVal,idx){     return idx == 0 ? currVal : prevVal + ', ' + currVal; }, '') console.log(authorString); 

IMPORTANT - again if your array contains objects then you will want to make sure you are using the 'name property':

var authors = [{name: 'some author'},{name: 'another author'},{name: 'last author'}]; var authorString = authors.reduce(function(prevVal,currVal,idx){     return idx == 0 ? currVal.name : prevVal + ', ' + currVal.name; }, '') console.log(authorString); 
like image 149
abigwonderful Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 04:09
