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Redis PUB/SUB and high availability

Currently I'm working on a distributed test execution and reporting system. I'm planning to use Redis PUB/SUB as a message queue and message distribution system.

I'm new to Redis, so I'm trying to read as many docs as I can and play around with it. One of the most important topics is high availability. As I said, I'm not an expert, but I'm aware of the possible options - using Sentinel, replication, clustering, etc.

What's not clear for me is how the Pub/Sub feature and the HA options are related each other. What's the best practice to build a reliable messaging system with Redis? By reliable I mean if my Redis message broker is down there should be some kind of a backup node (a slave?) that should be able to take over this role.

Is there a purely server-side solution? Or do I need to create a smart wrapper around the Redis client to handle this? Will a Sentinel-driven setup help me?

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user2519450 Avatar asked Mar 12 '23 11:03


2 Answers

Doing pub sub in Redis with failover means thinking about additional factors in the client side. A key piece to understand is that subscriptions are per-connection. If you are subscribed to a channel on a node and it fails, you will need to handle reconnect and resubscribe. Because subscriptions are done at the connection level it is not something which can be replicated.

Regarding the details as to how it works and what you can expect to see, along with ways around it see a post I made earlier this year at https://objectrocket.com/blog/how-to/reliable-pubsub-and-blocking-commands-during-redis-failovers

You can lower the risk surface by subscribing to slaves and publishing to the master, but you would then need to have non-promotable slaves to subscribe to and still need to handle losing a slave - there is just as much chance to lose a given slave as there is a master.

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The Real Bill Avatar answered Apr 06 '23 12:04

The Real Bill

IMO, PUB/SUB is not a good choice, may be disque (comes from antirez, author of the Redis) fits better:

Disque, an in-memory, distributed job queue

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Alex.Li Avatar answered Apr 06 '23 11:04
