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Redis publish-subscribe: Is Redis guaranteed to deliver the message even under massive stress?

Provided that both the client subscribed and the server publishing the message retain the connection, is Redis guaranteed to always deliver the published message to the subscribed client eventually, even under situations where the client and/or server are massively stressed? Or should I plan for the possibility that Redis might ocasionally drop messages as things get "hot"?

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Mahn Avatar asked May 15 '14 10:05


2 Answers

Redis does absolutely not provide any guaranteed delivery for the publish-and-subscribe traffic. This mechanism is only based on sockets and event loops, there is no queue involved (even in memory). If a subscriber is not listening while a publication occurs, the event will be lost for this subscriber.

It is possible to implement some guaranteed delivery mechanisms on top of Redis, but not with the publish-and-subscribe API. The list data type in Redis can be used as a queue, and as the the foundation of more advanced queuing systems, but it does not provide multicast capabilities (so no publish-and-subscribe).

AFAIK, there is no obvious way to easily implement publish-and-subscribe and guaranteed delivery at the same time with Redis.

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Didier Spezia Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 14:09

Didier Spezia

Redis does not provide guaranteed delivery using its Pub/Sub mechanism. Moreover, if a subscriber is not actively listening on a channel, it will not receive messages that would have been published.

I previously wrote a detailed article that describes how one can use Redis lists in combination with BLPOP to implement reliable multicast pub/sub delivery:


For the record, here's the high-level strategy:

  • When each consumer starts up and gets ready to consume messages, it registers by adding itself to a Set representing all consumers registered on a queue.
  • When a producers publishes a message on a queue, it:
    • Saves the content of the message in a Redis key
    • Iterates over the set of consumers registered on the queue, and pushes the message ID in a List for each of the registered consumers
  • Each consumer continuously looks out for a new entry in its consumer-specific list and when one comes in, removes the entry (using a BLPOP operation), handles the message and moves on to the next message.

I have also made a Java implementation of these principles available open-source: https://github.com/davidmarquis/redisq

These principles have been used to process about 1,000 messages per second from a single Redis instance and two instances of the consumer application, each instance consuming messages with 5 threads.

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David M. Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 14:09

David M.