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redis for logging




I am thinking of using Redis for web application logging purposes. I googled that there are people using this approach by dumping the logs into a Redis queue/list, and then a scheduled worker to write to disk.


I wish to seek understanding that why not directly use Redis to persist to disk? If I have allocated a small server which Redis will write to, separated from the database, app server, is it feasible to use Redis to persist the logs directly?

I also need help in querying Redis by datetime, user, etc. For example, each log is as follow.

datetime=>2012-03-24 17:45:12
message=>test message
category=>my category

How can I query for results within a datetime range, by a specific user, of a particular category?


like image 780
twb Avatar asked Nov 01 '12 01:11


1 Answers

Redis is in memory datastore. Direct persistence of data to disk is possible with Save or BGSAVE command. Persistence (RDB/AOF) is a feature in addition to storage in-memory.

Requirement mentioned is to store logs to disk. Using any of message queues (like RabbitMQ) instead of in-memory datastore should make things simple. (logs will not eat-up memory)

Applications generating logs can publish them on queues and with separate consumers consuming log messages and writing them to disk.

How can I query for results within a datetime range, by a specific user, of a particular category?

Every block of log should be saved as a structure (example for C/C++) something like this:

   struct log{
     long datatime;
     string userId;
     string message;
     string category;

Serialize this structure to string and store it in Redis as value. Keys for such values would be like: key = userId + DELIMITER + category + DELIMITER + datatime

You can have function which gets all the keys back and split them to get list of data for your specific keyword.

like image 106
Nik Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 18:09
