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Redis autocomplete

How can I implement an autocomplete using redis?

Say for example I have an array ["alfred","joel","jeff","addick"]. When I type a I get ["alfred", "addick"]

I hope you get the point. How can I implement this using redis commands efficiently(if possible but I think it is). It would be great if I could get some simple commands I can try out via telnet to mimic this behaviour.


P.S: Merry x-mas to all of you :)

like image 924
Alfred Avatar asked Dec 24 '09 11:12


2 Answers

If you're dealing with a large data set, I would suggest considering implementing this as a trie. I have thrown together a small bit of Ruby that would do this:

    require 'rubygems'
    require 'redis'
    class RedisTrie
      TERMINAL = '+'
      def initialize(prefix)
        @prefix = prefix
        @r = Redis.new
      def add_word(word)
        w = word.gsub(/[^a-zA-Z0-9_-]/, '')
        key = "#{@prefix}:"
        w.each_char do |c|
          @r.zset_add key, c.bytes.first, c
          key += c
        @r.zset_add key, 0, TERMINAL
      def add_words(*words)
        words.flatten.compact.each {|word| add_word word}
      def suggest(text)
        @r.zset_range("#{@prefix}:#{text}", 0, -1).map do |c|
          (c == TERMINAL) ? text : suggest(text + c)
    rt = RedisTrie.new('trie')
    rt.add_words %w( apple automobile carwash oil-change cranky five ruthie axe auto )
    p rt.suggest(ARGV.shift.to_s)

For example:

    $ ruby RedisTrie.rb
    ["apple", "auto", "automobile", "axe", "carwash", "cranky", "five", "oil-change", "ruthie"]
    $ ruby RedisTrie.rb a
    ["apple", "auto", "automobile", "axe"]
    $ ruby RedisTrie.rb au
    ["auto", "automobile"]
    $ ruby RedisTrie.rb aux

Read more on Tries at Wikipedia's entry on Tries.

You will definitely want to optimize your suggest method to not return ALL values, instead only returning the first X values it finds. It would defeat the purpose to iterate the entire data structure.

like image 77
Alex Avatar answered Nov 12 '22 06:11


I also found this snippet when reading Simon Willison's impressive Redis tutorial.


Hello Max,

KEYS is not the way to go, the best thing you can do is to use instead a sorted set. What you want is to turn the first 4 or 5 characters of the strings into an integer (you can imagine every char as a digit of a radix 256 number for instance, but there are better representation) and add all your usernames into a sorted set.

Then using ZRANGEBYSCORE you can get all the elements between a given range.

This method is much more scalable as it's an O(log(N)) thing.

I'm covering this stuff in my very slowly evolving Redis book...

Cheers, Salvatore

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Alfred Avatar answered Nov 12 '22 06:11
