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Redirecting default.aspx to root virtual directory

I have a simple ASP.NET 3.5 application running under IIS7 under a virtual directory. So the URL of my app is like http://example.com/app. I want to 301-redirect the request to example.com/app/default.aspx to example.com/app for better SEO. I have to do this redirect through code only, not by any IIS settings. I am unable to do so via code mentioned in this article:


The code:

if (request.RawUrl.Equals("/default.aspx"))
newUrl = string.Format("{0}://{1}{2}",
                 request.RawUrl.Remove(request.RawUrl.LastIndexOf("/default.aspx", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)));

               context.Response.Status = "301 moved permanently";
               context.Response.AddHeader("Location", newUrl);

seems to go into an infinite loop when the application is under a virtual directory. the request.RawUrl property always returns "/default.aspx" even after a 301 redirect causing the infinite loop. How can I fix this issue?



like image 758
AsifQadri Avatar asked Aug 31 '10 14:08


1 Answers

The above code will work fine as long as you dont have a sub-directory. AFAIK, its a bug in ASP.NET: the Request.RawUrl should NOT contain "/default.aspx" when the URL does not have that extension. I have tested your code and it works fine without a sub directory, but if default.aspx is under a directory, the Request.RawUrl object fails to get rid of default.aspx and hence the infinite loop.

like image 178
Vivek Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 01:09
