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RecyclerView layoutmanager for changing row and column span

I am looking to create the following layout (red sqaures does not really have to be squares, a custom fixed height is also fine). The layout seems very simple yet I did not find a layout manager which suits my needs.

wat i want

I tried the StaggeredGridLayoutManager but this only allows to set the span of either the column or the row, not both.

Is there floating around a custom layout manager which is able to do this? I have looked at TwoWayView but changing height seems to be problematic and the library is not being maintained.

Anyone having this problem and solved it?

like image 416
Brianvdb Avatar asked Jul 08 '16 20:07


People also ask

What is layoutManager in RecyclerView?

A LayoutManager is responsible for measuring and positioning item views within a RecyclerView as well as determining the policy for when to recycle item views that are no longer visible to the user.

What is span count in GridLayoutManager?

Span count refers to the number of columns. This is fairly clunky and doesn't take into account larger screen sizes or screen orientation. One approach is to create multiple layouts for the various screen sizes.

1 Answers

A little bit late, but it might help everyone else...

I was looking for the same and finally, after 2 days of googling I found a solution. Big thanks to Nick Butcher! His layout manager called SpannableGridLayoutManager is capable of doing this. In my case I was doing a pattern like your first two rows:

enter image description here

Solution is easy:

1. Download SpannableGridLayoutManager from here

For some reason I had to change this line:

while (availableSpace > 0 && lastVisiblePosition < lastItemPosition) {


while (lastVisiblePosition < lastItemPosition) {

to got the manager working.

2. Set SpannableGridLayoutManger to your RecyclerView

In my case:

    SpannedGridLayoutManager manager = new SpannedGridLayoutManager(
            new SpannedGridLayoutManager.GridSpanLookup() {
                public SpannedGridLayoutManager.SpanInfo getSpanInfo(int position) {
                    // Conditions for 2x2 items 
                    if (position % 6 == 0 || position % 6 == 4) {
                        return new SpannedGridLayoutManager.SpanInfo(2, 2);
                    } else {
                        return new SpannedGridLayoutManager.SpanInfo(1, 1);
            3, // number of columns
            1f // how big is default item

Which gave me exactly what I wanted (numbers are position of item in adapter):

enter image description here

EDIT: error with styleable Put those lines into attrs.xml

<declare-styleable name="SpannedGridLayoutManager">
    <attr name="android:orientation" />
    <attr name="spanCount" />
    <attr name="aspectRatio" format="string" />
like image 155
kristyna Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 22:09
