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RecyclerView corrupts view using notifyItemMoved()

I'm having a problem with using the notifyItemMoved() method. It seems to be incorrectly displaying unmoved views.

My list has 4 element in it. What I want to do is animate a swap between item 1 and item 3. Items 1 and 3 swap correctly, but item 2 displays what was at item 3!

So the list starts off looking something like this:

Item 0
Item 1
Item 2
Item 3

And ends like this:

Item 0
Item 3
Item 3 <-- What the heck has this changed for?
Item 1

My adapter is backed by a List mProductList. I call the following code:

public void sortBackingListUsingSortingList(List<ProductWrapper> newProductItems) {
    Log.e("", "Before:");
    for(ProductWrapper wrapper : mProductItems) wrapper.log();
    for(int i = 0; i < newProductItems.size(); i++) {
        ProductWrapper currentItem   = mProductItems.get(i);
        ProductWrapper correctItem   = newProductItems.get(i);

        if(!currentItem.equals(correctItem)) {
            // Item in wrong place
            int indexOfCorrectItem = getIndexOfItemInList(mProductItems, correctItem);
            Collections.swap(mProductItems, i, indexOfCorrectItem);
            notifyItemMoved(i, indexOfCorrectItem);
            Log.e("", "notifyItemMoved(" + i + ", " + indexOfCorrectItem+")");
            Log.e("", "After:");
            for(ProductWrapper wrapper : mProductItems) wrapper.log();

I've also added logging to onBindViewHolder to check if my view logic is being called:

public void onBindViewHolder(HolderBasic holder, int position) {
    Log.e("", "onBindViewHolder(holder, " + position + ")");

My logs look like this:

09-02 14:39:17.853: Before:
09-02 14:39:17.853: Item 0
09-02 14:39:17.853: Item 1
09-02 14:39:17.853: Item 2
09-02 14:39:17.853: Item 3

09-02 14:39:17.854: notifyItemMoved(1, 3)

09-02 14:39:17.854: After:
09-02 14:39:17.854: Item 0
09-02 14:39:17.854: Item 3
09-02 14:39:17.854: Item 2
09-02 14:39:17.854: Item 1

09-02 14:39:17.867: onBindViewHolder(holder, 1)
09-02 14:39:17.874: onBindViewHolder(holder, 3)

As you can see, no reason for Item 2 to have change it's display at all - and yet, it does. Anybody know why?


I can get around above by looping through the entire adapter and calling notifyItemChanged() on every item. Inefficient and not a good solution, but is invisible to the user.

like image 590
Graeme Avatar asked Sep 02 '15 13:09


3 Answers

Thank you to @david.mihola for leading me to what I'm doing wrong.

This took so long to figure out as the symptom didn't make the problem obvious!

I was doing this:

Collections.swap(mProductItems, i, indexOfCorrectItem);
notifyItemMoved(i, indexOfCorrectItem)

But, I obviously didn't think through what notifyItemMoved() was actually doing. It is only notifying the adapter that item i has moved to indexOfCorrectItem it isn't telling the adapter that indexOfCorrectItem has also moved to i.

Under the covers it was doing the following:

  1. Move item 1 to 3
  2. Move what was at 2 to 1 to fill the gap
  3. Move what was at 3 to 2 to fill the gap
  4. notifyItemChanged(1);
  5. notifyItemChanged(3);

The above of course leaves item 3 moved down to item 2 without a refreshed view! It was steps 4 and 5 which were hiding the problem by making item1 and item3 display correctly and leaving item2 incorrect!

As soon as I realised this I tried the following code:

notifyItemMoved(indexOfCorrectItem, i);
notifyItemMoved(i, indexOfCorrectItem);

This left the list in the correct order, but it short circuited the animation.

So, instead, I dumped swapping altogether:

mProductItems.add(i, correctItem);
notifyItemMoved(indexOfCorrectItem, i);
like image 124
Graeme Avatar answered Oct 29 '22 06:10


I had the same issue. RecyclerView-Items are corrupt on drag&drop. But I have found a simple solution: In your RecyclerView.Adapter.class be sure to have the following

public long getItemId(int position) {
    // here code for getting the right itemID, 
    // i.e. return super.getItemId(mPosition);
    // where mPosition ist the Position in the Collection.

You must return the right itemID for the position. From now on the Items are not corrupt.

like image 43
walex Avatar answered Oct 29 '22 05:10


I had the same issue and I actually handled it differently too, with my way, the animation will stay the same and you won't have any trouble of items at wrong positions anymore :

public void onRowMoved(int fromPosition, int toPosition) {
    if (fromPosition < toPosition) {
        for (int i = fromPosition; i < toPosition; i++) {
            Collections.swap(listOfItem, i, i + 1);
    } else {
        for (int i = fromPosition; i > toPosition; i--) {
            Collections.swap(listOfItem, i, i - 1);
    notifyItemMoved(fromPosition, toPosition);

With this, you can reorder items without any issues

Tutorial used to fix my issue

like image 31
Bastien Grignon Avatar answered Oct 29 '22 05:10

Bastien Grignon