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Recursive %in% function in R?

I am sure this is a simple question that has been asked many times, but this is one of those times when I find it difficult to know which terms to search for in order to find the solution. I have a simple list of lists, such as the one below:

sets <- list(S1=NA, S2=1L, S3=2:5)

> sets
[1] NA

[1] 1

[1] 2 3 4 5

And I have a scalar variable val which can take the value of any integer in sets (but will never be NA). Suppose val <- 4 -- then, what is a quick way to return a vector of TRUE/FALSE corresponding to each list in set where TRUE means val is in that list and FALSE means it is not? In this case I would want something like


I was hoping there would be some recursive form of %in% but I haven't had luck searching for it. Thank you!

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Jon Avatar asked Apr 27 '13 01:04


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1 Answers

Like this:

sapply(sets, `%in%`, x = val)
#    S1    S2    S3 

I had to look at the help page ?"%in%" to find out that the first argument to %in% is named x. And for your curiosity (not needed here), the second one is named table.

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flodel Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 11:10
