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Recovering saved password in Filezilla [closed]


Unfortunately I can not remember the password of FTP server, but it is saved in FileZilla Site Manager (Ubuntu).

How can I view the saved password?

like image 682
aimodify Avatar asked Apr 13 '12 07:04


People also ask

Where does FileZilla Server store passwords?

FileZilla is a cross platform Open Source FTP client for uploading files to web server. It is one of most used FTP client. It stores password in XML files in its config directory.

What is the default password for FileZilla Server?

There's none by default. You have to create the user accounts on FileZilla server. In this process, you will define both usernames and passwords.

Does FileZilla encrypt passwords?

FileZilla will be able to encrypt FTP passwordsWith FileZilla Secure, and starting with FileZilla 3.26. 0, this file will store these passwords in an encrypted format, as seen in the image below. This feature is not turned on by default, and to configure a master password with FileZilla 3.26.

2 Answers

Export your Site Manager information and you'll find them in plain text:

File > Export > Export Site Manager entries 

It exports everything in XML like this:

<Server>  <Host>ftp.example.com</Host>  <Port>21</Port>  <Protocol>0</Protocol>  <Type>0</Type>  <User>root</User>  <Pass>mypass</Pass>  [etc] </Server> 
like image 171
Dovydas Navickas Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 17:09

Dovydas Navickas

All passwords are stored in plain text in this file:


And for newer versions of filezilla and ubuntu, /home/username/.config/filezilla/recentservers.xml If the passwords are base64 encoded, https://www.base64decode.org/ can be used to get the original password.

like image 30
Saad Bouteraa Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 17:09

Saad Bouteraa