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Recording video feed from an IP camera over a network

I am building a camera security system for my office however we do not want to keep the DVR on site.

We looked at NVR (network video recorders) and they are too expensive. I thought of an alternative to this. I do not know how much feasible it is but would surely like some inputs here.

Here are my thoughts :

  1. Buy a regular IP camera
  2. Buy a server or an AWS instance and write a program to download the streaming feed continuously to the server.

Now I have some questions about the practicality of this solution and the technicalities involved with building such a system :

  1. What format do most IP cameras stream feeds in ? What frame rates are they transferred at ?
  2. If i were to write a program that could read this feed and download it and store it on a server, will I get the same quality as a live feed ?
  3. Will I need to again encode the data realtime to some other format (like flv.) before i store it ?
  4. Can you suggest a best possible architecture for this ? I was thinking an amazon instance and s3 for storage of video feeds.

There are some sites which already do this (like http://www.mangocam.com/)

Thanks and I hope this question meets the SO guidelines since this might be a gray area between programming and non-programming related. If not, I'll move it to some other stackexchange site (suggestions please)

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YD8877 Avatar asked Sep 21 '12 01:09


People also ask

How far can an IP camera connected to the internet send video to a NVR?

The maximum transmission distance of the Ethernet cable connecting the NVR and an IP camera is 100 meters. This distance limited due to the attenuation of signals. The Ethernet extender is used to extend the transmission distance beyond 100 meters.

How do I setup a network video recorder?

Hardware Setup Make sure the NVR is powered on. Connect a camera to your switch or another router port on the same network as the NVR and make sure it is powered on. The camera must be on the same network for the NVR to connect to it. Connect a VGA or HDMI cable from the back panel of your NVR to a monitor or TV.

2 Answers

about 3 years ago i needed cctv. I found zoneminder, tried to edit it to my liking, but found i was fixing it more than editing it.

Not to mention mp4 recording feature isn't actually part of the master branch (which is kind of lol, since its a cctv program and its already been about 3 years or more since it was suggested). Its literally just adapting the ffmpeg command lol.

So i found the solution!

If you want something done right, do it yourself.

I present to you Shinobi! Shinobi : The Open Source CCTV Platform

enter image description here

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moeiscool Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 22:09


I haven't used it yet but I would take a look at http://www.zoneminder.com/ The documentation explains you can install it on a modest machine with linux and use IP cameras for remote recording.


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apuschak Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 21:09
